Why women? Women are at War with Themselves. Of everything I could choose to photograph, most anything would be less complex, less tugging on the strings of my soul, less late night reassuring that ‘yes that outfit is great’ and ‘no, it doesn’t matter that you have that pimple on your chin’, less standing guard against those negative thoughts that you are manifesting, and less reminding that you are deserving of this experience …less emotional rollercoasters.
In spite of that truth, I choose to go to war. It was always my destiny to lean into the hard; to fight against the lies that we tell ourselves as women. Despite what I believed much of my life, women are incredibly wonderful and beautiful forms. Stop fighting with yourself. The worst thing is simply to see women at war with themselves.
Even with the tough-as-nails exterior we try to build around us– our spirits are raw and sensitive, our confidence (no matter how hard we work to sustain it) can waver when someone tampers with it, and sometimes we just don’t feel worthy….of anything.
I photograph women because I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of a photograph. I’ve seen all of the lies a woman has told herself fade into the background as she sees an image that negates everything she’s ever been told she was (or wasn’t). I photograph women because I want to provide an experience and a place where I can tell a woman how beautiful she is, and allow her to feel safe enough to believe it.

I will never stop fighting for the version of you that I know exists. You’ll still have your days (don’t we all?)…but I have chosen to stand in the absolute truth that you can be confident and vulnerable at the same time, that the broken don’t stay broken forever, that the woman you’ve always dreamt of being already lives within you.
Even if you aren’t right where you want to be right now–with your body, with your relationships, with your job, or with your life in general–it doesn’t mean that where you are isn’t worth capturing, celebrating, and appreciating.
Our boudoir experiences are an invitation for you to be just exactly who you are are, in this moment. I do not photograph “sexy pictures”, “porn”, or “naked women.” I photograph raw, honest portraits of the shift–the truth of the very moments you realize you can loosen your grip on the lies you tell yourself, the moments you realize you can do anything. ?

Call us to chat and learn more or visit our homepage to find out more about your session or check out our blog for more inspiration.
Our favorite places to shop for your boudoir shoot include VS , Boohoo , Adore Me , Torrid and Amazon. Check out our portfolio for more inspiration. Locally, we love Anna Bella Fine Lingerie .
Another article you may like is our one about “Get Past Your Comfort Zone” and a clients thoughts on her session.