Women have asked me time and time again. What’s the best thing they can do to prepare for their session. The number one thing in my opinion is to care for your skin. It is after all the one thing that is going to show the most! Here are some ways to keep your skin hydrated for your boudoir shoot.

- Water helps to increase your over energy levels. Your cells need it for every function in your body. Including hydrated skin.
- There are amazing masks on the market to help hydrate your skin.
- Use a quality moisturizer, but be sure to exfoliate before.
- Use a sunscreen. Sun damage is the number one tell tale of damaged skin.
- Stress, while hard to avoid, will impact your skin. So try to relax as much as possible before your shoot.
Don’t forget you can see more of our work in Instagram and visit our blog or portfolio to see more work.
Our favorite places to shop for your boudoir shoot include VS , Boohoo , Adore Me , Torrid and Amazon. Check out our portfolio for more inspiration. Locally, we love Anna Bella Fine Lingerie .
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