“If you’ve ever wanted to get in touch with your inner goddess this is the place to do so. From hair and make up to subtle design details she partners with you to create an amazing experience for you. Roosh is extremely professional and goes the extra mile to ensure that you feel comfortable along the way. Her work is stunning!” -Christie’s Google Review
All information and images shared with the clients permission.

Meet Christie. She is almost 43 this year and this is the message she sent me. She is also a past client from about 5 years ago. It isn’t uncommon for clients to return because their session made them feel beautiful in a way nothing else can.
“I have started to feel a bit down recently (I’m turning 43) and caught myself feeling negative about how my body has changed in recent years. While I still love me, I’m struggling with feeling positive and your sultry portraits remind me how I feel inside does measure up to how I appear outside. I’m between a women’s size 18-20.”
In our Northern Virginia boudoir studio, age skin color and size are not something you need to worry about. I am a professional. I don’t mean to brag, but I have seen thousands of naked women. A body is a body and I am just an artist trying to show you-your unique beauty. Whether you choose to do it with or without clothes on thats up to you. I don’t care, I’ll make you look sexy in a turtleneck if I have to!
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Testimonial on YouTube

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography
Call us to chat and learn more or visit our homepage to find out more about your session or check out our blog for more inspiration.
Our favorite places to shop for your boudoir shoot include VS , Boohoo , Adore Me , Torrid and Amazon. Check out our portfolio for more inspiration. Locally, we love Anna Bella Fine Lingerie .
Another article you may like is our one about “Get Past Your Comfort Zone” and a clients thoughts on her session.