For so long, I chased happiness like it was a destination. It took me a long time to figure out that happiness is a day-to-day thing. It’s a CHOICE you make, and the ONLY way to ensure you’ll EVER be happy is by refusing to live in the prison built on the fear of what other people think. If you are desperate, if you are sad, if you are lonely, if you are LOST wondering what to DO—babe, you KNOW what you really want, deep down inside…you just have to let go of the outside noise, the opinions that keep you feeling so trapped. You will live a slower, more intentional, more JOYFUL life when you live it for YOU.

You are never required to go nude in a boudoir experience with us, but I *HIGHLY* recommend it. You will never know the purest kind of freedom until you can say “F*CK IT!” and strip off the layers–to be able to sit in the boldness of that moment and reflect on all that has brought you HERE. After all, this is the body that has carried you through your darkest valleys and celebrated with you on top of your highest mountains. It might be a little beaten up here and there, but it’s yours damnit and you deserve to feel at HOME in it!
The woman you’re becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces, and things. Choose her over everything.
We are located in Northern Virginia and serve the DMV.
See more of our work here.
While you can find tons of information and images on our website, our private Facebook Group is full of amazing past and future clients. Come join us!